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Kevin Treasure

Kevin (The Winnersmentality) Treasure is a man with a burning desire to see people fulfill their God Given assignment,

His Heart beat, Souls for the Kingdom of God Kevin's driving passion in life is soul-winning, through the various gifts and talents God has given him. Kevin is an established author, minister and entrepreneur who has been gifted to motivate people, young and old in reaching their God given potential. Kevin has burning desire to affect his generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Celebrating more than 24 years of marriage, and three beautiful children, Kevin credits the success in his marriage to the Grace of God and being married to his best friend Michelle.


Kevin has written and produced a number of plays for adults and teenagers including the controversial play 'You Used To Buy Me Flowers." Kevin also holds seminars for young people encouraging them and helping them to stay out of trouble and how to obtain their goals and fulfil their dreams. Along with his extensive writing and publishing experience, he is the CEO of Decisions Determine Destiny Productions and holds writing and publishing seminars for people with a desire to publish their own books.


Kevin is a natural born motivator with a desire to win souls for Jesus. He challenges and provokes people to mine for their dominant gift hidden inside them, influencing them to win in everything they do. 



Want to know God?


It all starts with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ provides a relationship with the Father and eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection.


Romans 10:9 promises, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you have not yet begun your personal relationship with God, understand that God loves you with an everlasting glove, it does not matter what you have done or how far you have gone away from him, he is waiting to receive you. 


If you are willing to take this step to follow Jesus. You can tell Him in your own words or use this simple prayer:


Lord Jesus, I ask You to forgive my sins and save me from eternal separation from God. By faith, I accept Your work and death on the cross as sufficient payment for my sins. Thank You for providing the way for me to know You and to have a relationship with my heavenly Father. Through faith in You, I have eternal life. Thank You also for hearing my prayers and loving me unconditionally. Please give me the strength, wisdom, and determination to walk in the centre of Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.


If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations!


You have received Christ as your Saviour and have made the best decision you will ever make,  You are now a new creature (2 Corinth 5;17) and all your sins are forgiven.

Now, get yourself a bible, find a good bible believing church and draw close to God. You have just begun a brand new exciting life with Christ Jesus and he will finish the work he started in you Philippians 1:6


If you have made this decision please email me and let me know so I can rejoice with you


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