The Power of Words: The Winners Mentality consists of 21 Chapters regarding, the use, effects, benefits and consequences of the words which we speak and the influence they have on our lives and the lives of those around us. The Power of Words uses biblical principles and relates them to everyday issues we face in life. ‘The Power of Words shows us how to take control of our lives by changing the words we speak.
In this book you will:
Discover how to hold your tongue in the most trying times
Discover the real power you posses with the words you speak
Discover how what you say has a profound effect on your life
Discover how your life will begin to consist of the things you confess .
Using a simple, clear easy to read approach, the book covers a wide area of topics, issues and circumstances with regards to the words we speak and how we use them.
The Power of Words:
The Winners Mentality is published by Decisions Determine Destiny Press.
Reading through the book you will be challenged, motivated and encouraged to move up to a higher level of maturity, and begin to take control of the words you have been speaking over your life, your children, your marriage, your business and your destiny.
The book consists of over 180 Biblical Winners Mentality points that teaches the reader how to live a victorious life.
These Include:
24 Winners Mentality Points Regarding Wise Words
19 Facts Regarding Angels
17 Winners Mentality Points Regarding Anger
16 Reasons Why Saying Nothing Is Wisdom
10 Ways to Frame Your Future with Your Tongue
6 Winners Mentality Points regarding Good Health
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The Power of Words is a truly wonderful book. I found it to be an interesting and compelling read and at times found it quite hard to put down! It is unique and I would highly recommend this inspiring book as a 'must have' for anyone interested in maturing in their walk with the Lord."
Stuart Freeman~Chairman Faith TV
This book is simple, fun and easy to read, it also leads us to reflect deeply about the cause and effect of the words we speak and the real power our words can make on our lives and the lives of others. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to change their life.
Dr Hugh Jackman~Revelation TV